Grants to Build Group Homes for Foster Kids

Grants to Build Group Homes for Foster Kids

by Stacy Zeiger, Demand Media Google

In addition to compassion and a heavy dose of patience, working with foster kids requires a lot of money, especially if you desire to build a group home. Group homes allow multiple foster kids to live together and may cater to a special group of foster kids, such as runaways or teens approaching age 18. Grants help fund the building of foster homes or provide other financial assistance to aid in the process.

The Dr. Phil Foundation

One of the goals of the Dr. Phil Foundation is to help foster children. The foundation has awarded multiple grants to organizations related to foster care and building homes for other disadvantaged children. While The Dr. Phil Foundation does not offer specific grants that your organization may apply for, if you have developed a grant proposal and need funding, it may prove worthwhile to contact the Dr. Phil Foundation and state a case for becoming one of the organization’s causes. Grants previously award by the agency range from $10,000 to over $100,000.

Homeless Youth Grants

Some grants seek to provide funding to organizations that aid homeless and runaway youth, including those in foster care. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children & Families sponsors the Runaway and Homeless Youth Basic Center Program, which provides funding for group homes and shelters that target homeless and runaway youth. Grants are awarded in three-year increments and provide funding between $100,000 and $200,000 a year.

Transition Programs

Some grants target programs that help foster care kids transition from living in foster care to being on their own as adults. The Andrus Family Fund sponsors Foster Care to Independence grants, which support programs that incorporate a transition framework. Previously awarded grants range from $15,000 to over $200,000. Before seeking a grant from the Andrus Family Fund, review the previously awarded grants and information on how the grantees have implemented a transition framework into their programs to ensure your grant proposal meets the organization’s guidelines. After reviewing the guidelines and examples, applicants must fill out an online application and include a description of the project.

State Foster Care Organizations

If you have difficulty obtaining grants to build a group home for foster kids, turn to a local foster care organization or other state organization that supports foster care for help. These organizations typically have contacts with a wealth of individuals and companies that have made foster care their cause and may be able to help you solicit funding or provide you with more information about whom to contact. Your county’s foster care office or state office of social services may also be able to direct you to donors and other resources.

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