Can I make Money in a Group Home (Budget Basics)

When I am approached by individuals wanting to open their own group home, I usually get the following question.  To them the question seems simple. However it is a complex question with many variables to consider.  the question is usually framed something like this

“I really want to leave my corporate job and start a business doing something that I love.  I love working with others, I am a natural caregiver and I have so much love to give a (child, senior, adult with developmental disorders etc.).  I have been thinking about this for couple of years but before I start I want to know if I can actually earn a sustainable living for myself and my family in this industry.”

Does that sound familiar to you?

The truth is you and your next door neighbor can both open your own  group home. You can both serve the same population and have the same occupancy and same experience in the field,   the only difference is theirs could be extremely profitable while yours is on the verge of  bankruptcy.  Why is this so?  Several factors can determine the profitability of a group home.

  • They may have negotiated a better rate
  • They have a specialty, for which they charge a premium
  • Your mortgage or rent may be higher
  • Your staff salaries may be too high
  • Their expenses may be lower (utilities, insurances, vehicles, facility, employees)
  • You may have different business structures (LLC, sole proprietor, S corp, Non-profit)
  • You may have chose to do it alone while they chose to partner with professional consultants such as (Destination Group home Consultants

The fact is that they are succeeding while you are failing.  So to answer the question I often explain whether or not you make or lose a lot of money in this industry will depend on ” Who is on YOUR Team.”  Having professional consultants will increase your chances of being profitable exponentially.  The problem with doing it alone is that you don’t know what you don’t know, and in this industry ignorance leads to mistakes and in business MISTAKES COST MONEY!

Our team at Destination Group Home Consulting Solutions can create a customized budget for your business, if you try to do it alone then follow these steps:

An operating budget gives you an outline of what day-to-day costs are associated with running your group home. Without a well-conceived operating plan, your group home may founder, especially since many costs that could have been predicted in a structured budget may overwhelm the capability of your enterprise and what it can afford. Poorly planned operating budgets may even cause your group home to go bankrupt.


While it is not possible for you to anticipate every single expense that lies ahead for your group home, it is possible to study your competition and anticipate your business expenses based on how you will run your home. If you have past experience working in group homes, use the knowledge you gained from your former job in your operating budget. For example, you may have an idea of what a fair salary is based on what you knew your former group home employer paid. If you have no past experience in group homes, consider hiring a consultant to break down realistic numbers for your operating budget, or contact acquaintances who may work in the industry and can provide you with practical information.

Performance Analysis

Setting up an operating budget is imperative for performance analysis. The budget allows you to assess what is and isn’t working within your group home and to tweak the inconsistencies accordingly. For example, you may find after your group home has been open for a while that you over-budgeted for janitorial supplies. If this is the case, you can adjust your forward-looking budget to eliminate a certain percentage of money in this category and reallocate it in a new category that you may have under-budgeted for.


Your operating budget should consist of a few key components. Depending on what type of group home you are running, these components may include salaries, legal expenses, and mortgage or rent you are paying for the property you occupy unless you already own it outright. Like any business, yours may encounter unforeseen factors that you did not originally plan for within your operating budget. These may include any accidents, lawsuits or damage from natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. When setting up an operating budget for your group home, always budget extra in a miscellaneous category for unexpected circumstances.


According to business consultants Thomsen Business Information, the structure of most operating budgets will generally follow this format: Sales minus variable costs equals gross profit. Gross profit minus fixed costs, depreciation and interests equals your net profit. When calculating your operating budget set up these two equations using your estimated numbers to predict when and how much you will profit from your group home.


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